Blog Posts, Past Actions

Volunteer opportunity – help translate health information into Arabic, Hindi, and Swahili has launched Health Speaks, a new initiative to try to increase the amount of online health information in languages other than English. Health Speaks will begin with pilot projects in Arabic, Hindi and Swahili. Bilingual volunteers are encouraged to translate health-related Wikipedia (EN) articles into one of these three languages, using the Health Speaks website and Google Translator Toolkit. is also looking for reviewers, who will read published translations in Wikipedia to ensure that they meet sufficient quality standards.

For the first 60 days, will donate 3 US cents per English word translated to the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), the Public Health Foundation of India, and the Children's Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (for Swahili, Hindi and Arabic respectively), up to a maximum of US $50,000 each. Click here to read a blog entry on the new initiative.

If you speak Arabic, Hindi, or Swahili, please consider joining HealthSpeaks.  Translating information on sexual and reproductive health would be a great way to give people, especially women, power over their reproductive lives and to promote reproductive peace.

Blog Posts, Past Actions

Give the UK’s international development agency your views on reproductive, maternal and newborn health

The UK’s Department for International Development is conducting a survey on reproductive, maternal, and newborn health priorities.

People from around the world, and especially from developing nations, are encouraged to participate.  This is an opportunity for reproductive peace activists to show support for all nonviolent reproductive choices for women.

Blog Posts, Past Actions

Global MOMS Act

This is the kind of measure everyone, pro-life and pro-choice and label-resistant, should be able to get behind. On May 11, Representative Lois Capps (D-CA23) introduced the “Improvements in Global Maternal and newborn health Outcomes while Maximizing Successes Act” (also known, in a remarkably contrived act of abbreviation, as the Global MOMS Act).

The bill, H.R. 5268, would support expanded access to prenatal care, family planning, HIV treatment, skilled delivery care, emergency obstetric care, and postpartum care and support for women in at least 30 countries around the world. It would also support activities to improve child health care and decrease violence against women.

If you are a United States citizen, please contact your representative and ask him or her to cosponsor H.R. 5268.

Blog Posts, Past Actions

The law problem

Last Saturday, I had my first long-form interview on the Shared Sacrifice BlogTalkRadio show. It was more than a little nerve-wracking. The great thing about Shared Sacrifice is that guests get a full hour to talk about the issues that are important to them. The difficult thing is — guests get a full hour to talk about the issues that are important to them! I'm very much an introvert, so it's rare for me to talk to anyone for an hour straight about anything. It went pretty well, with one exception. The question of legal policy came up, as it always does, and I had a lot of trouble with it. It's very hard to answer. I know what's wrong. It's wrong that unborn human beings have no status in law. It's wrong for the destruction of one of our daughters or sons before birth to be considered the equivalent of an appendectomy. It's also wrong that Amalia in Nicaragua can't be treated for cancer because she's pregnant. It's wrong that a woman who has a miscarriage could face prosecution in Utah. It's wrong that Christine Taylor could fall down a flight of stairs and then be arrested for attempted feticide after she went to the emergency room to see if she and her baby were OK. I know what I want. I want social and legal recognition that in every pregnancy, there are two (or more) lives whose needs and interests we need to balance. What I don't know is how to get there from here. I don't know how to get to the point of balancing two people's interests when we only acknowledge one person's existence. I also don't know how to legally acknowledge the personhood of the unborn, in anything remotely resembling the current political climate, without inviting situations like Amalia's and Christine Taylor's. I know what we can do. We can make the case for the human personhood of both pregnant women and the children they carry. We can urge people to consider that when they have sex, they are responsible for the well-being not only of themselves and their partners, but of any children they might conceive as well. We can work for women's freedom to make all nonviolent choices regarding sexuality and reproduction. We can work for laws that directly benefit both mother and child, such as the expansion of prenatal care in Nebraska. Beyond that … I'm just not sure. I would very much like to hear the thoughts of readers and my co-bloggers. What laws can pro-balance people favor to bring about justice for women and children without contributing to the further oppression of either party?